Chronicles 4: Milestone 2
I've had my project manager hat on for the last month+ trying to figure out the next standalone milestone that gets me closer to the full game. Originally, I assumed that I would just focus on creating the early game experience more or less as it would appear in the final product. Upon further thinking, if the combat mechanics milestone was designed around getting a bunch of mechanics and systems put together and working, then the next milestone should aim to do the same, just with a new set of systems.
So Milestone 2 is going to be: The Mid-Game Dungeon
Here's some major highlights for this milestone to get excited about:
- A large, sprawling handcrafted dungeon to crawl through
- Line-of-Sight, Fog-of-War, and Dynamic Lighting
- Inventory and Equipment: Your strength comes from your loot
- Sneaking
- Enemy awareness: Baddies can see and hear you and hunt you down
- Death is permanent and time progresses between runs
- Some of your loot can be salvaged if you fall, the rest may be dispersed
- A selection of abilities for both combat and exploration: experiment with different builds
- Combat Mechanics cut from the last demo: Tile Hazards, Sigils, Stuns, Roots
I really want the next playtest to be more of what someone might expect to experience roughly halfway through a campaign.
I've spend the last week working on a complete overhaul of the map system to be able to support the new interconnected world, and it's probably onto lighting and sight from there! I really feel like the work required for this is a lot less intense that everything that has come before it so I hope this one will come together rather quickly!
| 🌐 | 🙋 |